Software and data related to our publications can be found at: Github repositories
We have the following setups:
Olympus IX83 inverted stand with perfect focus. 4 excitation lasers + 775 nm depletion laser compatible for 2-color STED. Includes a PicoQuant module offering FCS, FLIM, and homo-FRET capabilities.
Applied Scientific Instrument (ASI) design. 3 excitation lasers with dual-camera Kinetix22 for wide FOV and ultra-fast gentle volumetric imaging. Includes temperature and CO2 environmental chamber.
Olympus IX83 inverted stand with custom focus-lock. 3 excitation lasers, XYZ piezo stage (ASI), and microfluidic Aria for multiplexed imaging (DNA-PAINT).
Nikon Ti-Eclipse with Yokogawa CSU-X spinning disk unit and perfect focus. Features 5 excitation lasers, fast 3D imaging, TIRF, FRAP, and an environmental chamber.
Equipped with autofocus, temperature and CO2 box, and an automated plate reader for screening applications.
In addition, we have access to the CMCB light microscopy facility.
We use immortalized and stem cell lines for our research. We use CRISPR to produce KO and fluorescent KI cell lines. We use inducible protein degradation systems (Degron, PROTAC) to study dynamics of KO phenotypes. Please contact us if you want to use any published cell line.
We use bacterial and insect cell expression systems in combination with chromatography to produce high quality proteins for our molecular reconstitution projects.We collaborate with the Alberti Lab for protein characterization and quality control.
We have a well-equipped wetlab space for our molecular biology and biochemistry work.